女,1965 年出生,博士,教授, 博士生导师。
福建省百千万人才工程省级人选,福建省高层次人才(C类), 厦门市优秀教师、重点人才,泉州市优秀人才。
1982.9-1986.7 安徽师范大学化学系本科学习,获理学学士学位
1986.9-1989.7 华东师范大学硕士研究生学习,获分析化学专业(电分析化学方向)理学硕士学位
1989.9-1991.9 司法部上海司法鉴定研究所工作(助理研究员)
1991.10 -今 不限ip开户即送84元体验金从事教学和科研工作
1999.9-2002.7 厦门大学博士研究生学习,获分析化学专业(分子发光方向)理学博士学位
2005.2-2006.1 日本信州大学高级访问学者
2012.7-2012.8 英国巴斯大学访学
(1) 超分子自组装膜的构建与界面光电传感体系的设计
(2) 发光纳米材料的制备与应用
(1) 美国密执根科技大学化学系刘海鹰教授研究小组
(2) 日本信州大学理学部金继业教授研究小组
(3) 英国巴斯大学化学系Tony研究小组
教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金: 蛋白质分子的界面识别和荧光传感
(1) An extremely sensitive monoboronic acid based fluorescent sensor for glucose,Anal. Chim. Acta, 2004, 515, 285-290
(2) A novel Fluorometric Detection of Cu2+ Based on Self-Assembled Bilayers, Talanta, 2004, 62, 1035-1040
(3) Design of Indole Self-assembled Multilayers and Fluorescence Interfacial Recognition for Organophosphorus Pesticides, Talanta, 2008, 76(4), 747-751
(4) Rhodamine B aggregation in self-assembled multilayers induced by polyelectrolyte and interfacial fluorescence recognition for DNA, Talanta, 2011, 85, 1187-1192
(5) Dual-emission quantum dots nanocomposites bearing a internal standard and visual detection for Hg2+, Analyst, 2012, 137, 1125-1129
(6) Visual and Trap Emission Spectrometric Detections of Ag (I) Ion with Mesoporous ZnO/CdS@SiO2 Core/Shell Nanocomposites, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2012, 76(9), 90-97
(7) Properties of a Graphene Oxide-Balofloxacin Composite and Its Effect on Bacteriostasis, Anal. Lett., 2013, 46: 2279-2289
(8) Photochemical properties and interfacial fluorescence sensing for homocysteine of triptycene orthoquinone layer-by-layer-assembled multilayers, Thin Solid Films, 2014, 562 603-607
(9) An extremely sensitive aptasensor based on interfacial energy transfer between QDS SAMs and GO, Spectrochim. Acta A, 2014, 131, 288-293
(10) DNA-length-dependent fluorescent sensing based on energy transfer in self-assembled multilayers, Biosens.&Bioelectron, 2014, 61, 466-470
(11) Graphene-quantum-dots-based ratiometric fluorescent probe for visual detection of copper ion,Analyst, 2015, 140, 6742–6747
(12) Highly selective and sensitive sensing for Al3+ and Fbased on green photoluminescent carbon dots, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 97346-97351
(13) A novel photoluminescence sensing system sensitive for and selective to bromate anions based on carbon dots, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 61891-61896
(14) Construction and multifunctional ap(1) An enhanced fluorescence based on graphene self-assembled films and highly sensitive sensing for VB12, J. Mater. Chem. C,2018, 6, 4400-4408 (Front Cover)
(15) Fluorescence enhancement of carbon dots by graphene and highly sensitive detection of tetracycline hydrochloride, RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 26212-26217
(16) G-quadruplex formation enhancing energy transfer in self-assembled multilayers and fluorescence recognize for Pb2+ ions, Sensors and Actuators B,2018, 255, 2121–21
(17) Carbon dots as fluorescent probes for detection of VB12 based on the inner filter effect,RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 19786-19790
(18) A label-free “SEF-FRET” fluorescent sensing platform for ultrasensitive DNA detection based on AgNPs SAMs,Talanta,2019, 205 ,120072(1-8)
(19) Highly selective and sensitive turn-on fluorescent probes for sensing Hg2+ ions in mixed aqueous solution, Sens. Actuators B, Chem., 2019, 281, 311-319.
(20) A solvatochromic AIE tetrahydro[5]helicene derivative as fluorescent probes for water in organic solvents and highly sensitive sensors for glyceryl monostearate,Talanta, 2020, 206, 120214(1-7)
(21) Facile and green synthesis of N, Cl-dual-doped carbon dots as a label-free fluorescent probe for hematin and temperature sensing, Microchemical Journal,2020,153,104528(1-8)
(22) visible-light-excited multicolor long afterglow carbon dots/boron oxide composites platform based on rGO/MoS2 films for ultrasensitive detection protamine and heparin[J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8, 9988-9997
(23) Multifunctional carbon dots with solid-liquid state orange-light emission for vitamin B12 sensing, cellular imaging and red/white light-emitting diodes[J]. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2020, 3, 7420-7427
(24) Construction and multifunctional applications of visible-light-excited multicolor long afterglow carbon dots/boron oxide composites, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9, 4477-4486
(25) Tandem Förster resonance energy transfer induced visual ratiometric fluorescence sensing of tetracyclines based on zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 incorporated with carbon dots and safranine T, Analyst, 2022,147, 1152-1158
06级博士生 李芳(材料学专业) 杨传孝(材料学专业)
13级博士生 李萍(化学工程专业— 环境工程方向)
15级博士生 翁文婷(材料学专业)
18级博士生 何维 (材料学专业)
20 级博士生 余锦发(材料学专业)
21 级博士生 王晓鹏(分析化学专业)
00级硕士生 王烨华(材料学专业)
02级硕士生 翁文婷(材料学专业)
03级硕士生 周政 (高分子物理与化学专业)
04级硕士生 何菲 (应用化学专业), 何燕芳 (无机化学专业)
05级硕士生 夏开豪 (环境工程专业), 胡文英 (高分子化学与物理专业)
06级硕士生 刘辉,汪志芳,张莺,杨光昕(均为环境工程专业)
07级硕士生 李丹(环境工程专业),周建干(应用化学专业)
08级硕士生 徐义邦 (环境工程专业),张提亮(环境科学专业),唐琪(分析化学专业)
09级硕士生 吴琼 , 李聪聪(均为分析化学专业);任驰 (环境科学专业)
10级硕士生 张静,孙艳凤,李富芹 (均为分析化学专业)
11级硕士生 刘鹏超,张煌博,李淑淳(均为分析化学专业)
12级硕士生 彭艳,吴瑾(均为分析化学专业);华安庆(高分子化学与物理)
13级硕士生 舒家发(分析化学专业), 武露露(应用化学专业), 秦真发(高分子化学与物理) ,张博杰(环境工程)
14级硕士生 袁梦洁,李小飞,李燕芬(均为分析化学专业)
15级硕士生 温存金,林幼兰(均为分析化学专业)
16级硕士生 蔡丽芬,李菲菲(均为分析化学专业)
17级硕士生 孙云云(分析化学专业),辛晓琳(材料与化工专硕)
18级硕士生 张雪凤,马思(均为分析化学专业);薛昊(材料与化工专硕)
19级硕士生 杨惠娴(分析化学专业);姚菁雨,刘毅(均为材料与化工专硕)
20级硕士生 曾建萍,谢诗欣(均为分析化学专业);陶亮亮(材料与化工专硕)
21级硕士生 欧阳梦婷,罗昭钦(均为分析化学专业);朱义琛(材料与化工专硕)
E-mail: sunxy@hqu.edu.cn